Special Interest Groups
SBNS Lead: Mr A. Sinha
British Paediatric Neurosurgery Group
Delivering Excellence in Brain and Spine surgery for children throughout the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
SBNS Lead: Mr J. George
British Association of Spinal Surgeons
Actively promotes the study of spinal disorders with particular attention to the surgical treatment of spinal disease
SBNS Lead: Mr A. Brodbelt
British Neuro-Oncology Society
The leading multi-professional organisation in the UK dedicated to promoting neuro-oncology research, education and patient care
SBNS Lead: Mr S. Rutherford
British Skull Base Society
The British Skull Base Society aims to raise the standards of clinical care in the field of skull base medicine through support of multidisciplinary practice, national audit and collaborative research
SBNS Lead: Mr J. Evans
British Society of Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery
Our aim as a society is to provide a forum for professionals to communicate and to help patients
SBNS Lead: Prof. C. Tolias
British Neurovascular Group
The British Neurovascular Group was constituted in 2010 as a sub-speciality group of the Society of British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS)
SBNS Lead: Mr R. Edwards
CSF Group
CSF is a clear, colorless fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It protects the brain and spinal cord, removes waste, and delivers nutrients
SBNS Lead: Prof. M. Wilson
Neurotrauma Group
Neurotrauma is a head or spine injury caused by a sudden injury. It includes concussions, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), skull fractures, spinal column fractures, and spinal cord injuries (SCI)