The Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations (JCIE)
The Intercollegiate FRCS Specialty Examination in Neurosurgery is a requirement for CCT. Section 1 & Section 2 examinations are held twice a year. Applications should be made via the Intercollegiate Examination Board website.
The examination is designed to be taken near the end of training. The standard of the pass mark is set at the level of a day one consultant in the generality of the specialty.
For full details about the regulations, dates, fees etc., please visit the Intercollegiate Examination Board website.
The European Examination
The European Board Examination in Neurological Surgery is open to UK trainees whether or not they have taken part in the EANS Course. The first part can be taken before CCT and is in the form of a multiple choice examination; the second part may be taken in the final year of training and is an oral examination.
For details of The European Board Examination in Neurological Surgery see the EANS website.