Fellowships & Funding


Caribbean Fellowship


Nepal Fellowship

Global Neurological Surgery Travel Awards

Awards for UK and Ireland Neurosurgical Trainees

The Alan and Diana Karter Fund awards are designed to support three month training visits to low income or low middle income countries and are awarded to members of the SBNS who have been members for at least 2 years, are in good standing and hold a national training number.

Applicants must be at least ST3 level, in a run through training post and with a national training number in either UK or Ireland. Successful applicants will normally be in phase 2 (ST3 – ST7), but more senior applicants may be considered at the discretion of the committee.  Successful applicants will be awarded a grant of up to £10,000, the value of which is at the discretion of the SBNS global neurological surgery committee.

The closing date for applications is 1st April and 1st October each year.

Selection Criteria

The Alan and Diana Karter Fund Award
UK and Ireland Neurosurgical Trainees Award
Selection Criteria




SBNS membership

The applicant must be a member of the SBNS and have been continuously for at least 2 years


Stage of training

Run through trainee in UK or Ireland with a National Training Number and at least in phase 2 (ST3 or above)

Early phase 2 trainee ST3 – ST5

Later stage trainees may be considered

Satisfactory progression


Outcome 1 at the most recent ARCP

Logbook showing broad exposure, high levels of activity and a high indicative to assisted ratio

Country of residence trainer support

Support from the deanery and TPD

Strongly supportive reference from an independent trainer

Country of application trainer support

Support from the training authority or regional centre



On the world bank LIC or LMIC country list

Likely to provide high quality and high volume surgical training of use to the surgical trainee

Country considered safe by UK government https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice

English speaking or applicant provides evidence of fluency in the local language

Reasons for going


Compelling reasons for travel especially focussed on own training needs.

Providing medical aid is not normally considered to be a good reason.


Neurosurgical Travel Awards to UK

Alan and Diana Karter Fund awards are designed to support a training period of up to 6 months as an observer in a UK or Ireland neurosurgical centre for overseas visitors from low income or low middle income countries.

Applicants must have broad medical neurosurgical experience in a local neurosurgical training centre. Successful applicants will normally be senior level neurosurgical trainees, but more senior applicants with up to 2 years experience as a qualified neurosurgeon may also be considered at the discretion of the committee. Successful applicants will be awarded a grant of up to £7,000, the value of which is at the discretion of the SBNS global neurological surgery committee.

The closing date for applications is 1st April and 1st October each year.

Selection Criteria Travel to UK

The Alan and Diana Karter Fund Award
Neurosurgical Travel Award to UK
Selection Criteria




Stage of training

Neurosurgical medical clinician

Senior medical neurosurgical trainee or early stage (<2 years) independent medical practitioner

Country of residence trainer support

Support from two local trainers including the head of department (as appropriate)


Country of application
trainer support

Letter of support from the UK training centre(s)
Nominated responsible trainer in UK who is a full SBNS member


Evidence of likely benefit

Satisfactory English Language skills

Broad neurosurgical experience demonstrated on a surgical logbook and CV

Reasons for travel


Compelling reasons for travel especially
focussed on own training needs.

Neurosurgery Conference Award for travel to UK

The Neurosurgery Conference Award aims to support the travel, conference registration, and accommodation costs at UK or Ireland Neurosurgery conferences, for clinicians in Neurosurgical training from least developed or low middle income countries.

Applicants must be clinicians in Neurosurgical training who are not yet in independent practice. Successful applicants should demonstrate an ambition to drive development in neurosurgical practice in their home units and must have had an abstract accepted for oral presentation at the neurosurgery conference they wish to attend. The applicant must be the presenting author.  Successful applications will be awarded a grant of up to £1,500, the value of which is at the discretion of the SBNS Global Neurological Surgery committee.

Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis throughout the year. There are a limited number of grants available, so application well in advance of the proposed conference date is advised.

Selection Criteria

The Alan and Diana Karter Fund Award
Neurosurgical Conference Travel Award to UK
Selection Criteria




Country of training (not necessarily nationality)

Low income or low middle income country*


Stage of training

Neurosurgical medical clinician

Senior neurosurgical trainee

Country of residence trainer support

Support from two local trainers including the head of department (as appropriate)



Abstract submitted and accepted for oral presentation at a UK Neurosurgical conference. Presenting author and named author.

first named author.

Evidence of likely benefit

Satisfactory English Language skills

Broad neurosurgical experience demonstrated on a surgical logbook and CV

Reasons for travel


Compelling reasons for travel especially focussed on own training needs.

* Low income and low middle income countries are defined by the World Bank and listed at https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups


Completed Bursary Awards 2024
Active Bursary Awards 2024 

Nathan McSorely (UK)

Shafi Zahid (Afghanistan)