

This is a new initiative designed to help promote links between neurosurgical units in UK or Ireland and the rest of the world. Linked units may like to explore the exchange of knowledge, personnel or techniques. Please contact us if your unit would like to participate in this initiative.

Visiting Teachers

Visiting Experts from the UK or Ireland

If requested, the SBNS will help to find Neurosurgical experts who may be able to provide Neurosurgical teaching and training either by providing remote teaching or sometimes face to face.  Please download and complete this form to make a request.

Visiting UK & Ireland

Neurosurgical doctors are usually welcome to visit UK and Ireland Neurosurgical centres where the visits are for educational purposes.

Clinical Observerships

Aimed primarily (but not exclusively) at senior neurosurgical trainees, most doctors will come for about 6 weeks and it is helpful to time these visits so that they coincide with an SBNS conference or a local course.

If required, the SBNS is often able to put potential applicants in touch with willing training centres. Please contact us: 



Deciding where to go

Talk to people in your own training centre, they are likely to have contacts.  Consider what you want to do whilst abroad, there must be an educational component (for you) to be able to justify this.  You should also consider the social, health and financial risks carefully. Although you are likely to get a lot out of a visit like this, it is not for everyone and it is not a requirement of training.

Taking time Out of Programme (OOPs)

Most periods abroad in LICs and LMICs are arranged under the OOPE or OOPR regulations. See the Gold guide for the current rules.

Prospective Centres in LICs and LMICs

Please contact us if you would be able to host a UK trainee for a short period of training but please note this is subject to an assessment of your service to ensure it is able to provide high quality training in a safe environment.

List of Contacts

Click on the below for a list of contacts that are involved in the Global Neurosurgery Initiative: 

List of Contacts